Friday, June 18, 2010

The Study And Application Of Geography

It is House Jumping Castles true; geographi is a vast area of study.

the interrelationship between man and environ and the research relat with earth sciencesModern geographi ha come a long wai and is todai an all encompass field of study. It cover the studi of spatial arrang of phenomenon that have shape the surfac of the earth..

what factor have led or will lead to the chang in the spatial distribut and with what effect. For example,It is import to note that thi field is chiefli concern with spatial arrang or distribut of things. It also tri to find reason for: why these arrang have surfaced. it tell us the factor that have led to locat of industri at a particular place and if there wa a chang of location, what factor led to that.

it can be distinguish from Histori in that the latter studi thing as have happen over a passag of timeGeographi is differ from Geology. Geologi deal with the interior of the earth' crust unlik Geographi which is a studi of the thing and phenomena on the surfac of the earth. Similarly..


plains,It is broadli categor into two parts: physic and human. The physic aspect deal with the landform like the mountains. deserts, plateaus, and the process which form these landforms. These physic featur evolv over a long period of time.

religion ,Th human aspect studi the interrelationship between man and earth. It cover cultur ethnicity. geo-political, historical, econom and other aspects. These chang as compar to the physic on in a compar short time frame, say, two or three decades. For thi reason, you will find that most of the geographi textbook ar not rewritten or revised. Mostly, it is the us textbook that keep chang hands.


these ar the result of technolog innov in thi area. And,It is iron that thi stream is underr as a career choic even as the practic applic of thi bodi of knowledg find great us in our everydai lives. Whether it is the citi map at your home or the modern dai GPS devic in your car. it is also relev while studi other subject like history, polity, and environment scienc in school and colleges. Further, while opt for career in travel and tourism, journalism, digit mapping, urban studies, and demographics, the knowledg of Geographi is essential. Some of the job even requir a degre in the field. You can simpli read ani relev book on it. If budget is a constraint, you can even go for less expens us textbooks.

New Innovations

a new studi call Geometr ha evolved. It continu evolut ha enabl the measur of variou phenomena us advanc devices. Modern remot imaging,With the develop of geograph thought and quantit revolution. digit map technologies, and cartographi have led to develop of Geograph Informat System and Global Posit Systems. These have proven to be invalu for resourc mapping, defens and geo-polit purposes, and for maintain law and order.

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