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give advic to hi or her client and repres their legal matter in the courts. Accord to class or rank of jurist lawyer can be design as advocate,
A lawyer is a person who is author by the state or countri to practic law. attorney, barrister, counselor and solicitor. A lawyer ha to studi law and new law on a regular basi to stai up to date in order to protect their clients. Thi is the basic of a career in law, protect your client s freedom and rights.
A Dai In The Life Of A Lawyer.
busi places,1. Get readi to travel: Lawyer spend most of their time in offic and courtrooms. Thei travel to meet their client wherev thei ar and homes. even emerg room in hospit and state or feder prison can be a fairli regular visit depend on which area of the law a lawyer is involved. Thei also travel differ place for meet and to gather proof or evid for their case that thei can submit to the courts, legisl bodies, or to other high author of the law.
2. Irregular work hour mai be the norm: Lawyer quit often have irregular work schedul and even work for sever hour in discuss with client or prepar the brief of the case dure non offic hours.
whether an advoc or an advisor,3. Back to the studi board: A lawyer is also known as an attornei who act both as an advoc and an advisor in society. The advoc repres on of their client in crimin or civil trial by argu and present evid to the court to protect their client. On the other hand the advisor give advic to their client regard their busi and legal person matters. All the lawyers. have to research the purpos of law and judici decis to appli them in the critic circumst face by their clients. The most import aspect is that a lawyer' job depend veri much upon hi or her own field of special and position. All thi requir continu studying.
Type of Lawyers:
Ther ar allot of area to special in as a lawyer. Thi list is not exhaust but cover some of the most popular field you'll be abl to special into if becom a lawyer.
wrong death,Immigrat lawyer. traffic, tax, software, social security, securities, person injuri lawyers, patent, nurs home, mesothelioma, medic malpractice, malpractice, litigation, international, insurance, injury, fraud, employment, dwi, dui, divorce, defense, criminal, construction, corporate, compensation, car accident, bankruptcy, auto accident, assault and asbesto lawyers.
How to Becom a Lawyer
To becom a lawyer you'll have to attend law school via a colleg or univers after your high school studies. There ar some onlin law school that offer the full Juri Doctor [JD] program which do not requir take the law school admiss test [LSA T]. It is not necessari to quit your job to becom a lawyer. There ar special JD program for those student who ar interest in work at the same time as pursu their educ in their spare time.
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