Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Recruiting Software – Auto-Matching

chang and Grass Zorb Ball delet factor and weight is critic to a good auto match feature. I would take it on step further and allow the recruit some control over how these factor should be identifiedI am sure anyon read thi articl can think of other factor and weights. The abil of an auto match featur to add..

I think it best to defin two type of conting recruitment

Befor we can begin to discuss recruit softwar auto-matching..

it mai be a part of my foundat stone when I write code for our recruit softwar applicationOn camp of success recruit reli on the abil to start from ground zero . Thi recruit model follow the method taught to me by my mentor and the basic of that model have stai with me for 25 years. When I think about it..

my mentor wa a veri success recruiter. He would sai to me at least onc a week,Bi the way. You know when you can rightfulli call yourself a recruit when you can take a phone book and roll of dimes, go to a pai phone and find the person your client ha ask you to find .

I am not sure if that hold in todai s world of the internet and global of the workforce. But I do know that my mentor could still find peopl with a phone and phone book. The onli thing that mai chang would be to substitut the roll of dime for a roll of quarter and perhap give him a laptop.

recruit ar not paid handsom commiss to produc the averag professionalTh other camp of success recruit reli more on an establish network of contact in a specif field or profession. These recruit spend most of their time take care of their flock of candid . Thei ar alwai ad qualiti peopl and drop off the on that turn out to be averag or below average. Remember..

these individu ar still highli skill professionals. It is just that their skill ar so precis adapt to a particular function and thei ar almost interchangeable. Nurses,A uto match is a tool more for the recruit who start from scratch. As I write thi articl it come to me that auto match is us in anoth recruit model. Some recruit fill profession posit that ar a plug-in for the busi process. Don t get me wrong. teachers, airlin pilot fit thi definition. Most profession nurses, teacher and pilot will probabl retir as a nurse, teacher or pilot.

When all is said and done auto match is a good tool for recruit in some situat but best be left unus in others.

which is to have a good descript of the posit you ar try to fill. You must also know the person of the client. If you have a complete,Now that we have somewhat defin the area for the auto match tool we can describ how it should work. I think auto match first deal with the fundament princip of good recruiting. well written job order and your recruit softwar databas contain accur inform on client and candidates, good auto match softwar should work well when match candid to the position. If your recruit softwar databas contain miss or inaccur inform on client and applic then your auto match softwar will not work well no matter how good it is.

In order that I mai pontif on auto match I must make a coupl of assumptions.

? The recruit reli on have access to larg bodi of applic and their resumes.

? The job descript contain a great deal of inform and detail about the posit and the skill and qualif of the person need to fill it.

now we ar readi to begin as we sit in front of a comput stare at the sourc codeOk..

recruit model and posit sought. In other words,First and foremost the program must be flexible. It must have the abil to be tweak and tune by the recruit for the particular recruiter. auto match must have mani option to chang the match algorithm by chang match factor and the weight or import of each factor.

Her is a list of match factor schedul for us in our recruit software.

Match Factors

? Salary

? Location

? Job title

? Year of experience

? Keyword and phrases

? Education

? Year in on posit and year in on company

? Histori of compani work for

? Age

? Style of company

? Budget responsibility

? Number of peopl respons for

? Certifications

? Publications

? Memberships

? Accomplishments

? Year of last degree

? Rate of promot and salari increase

Th you can do with match factors

? Establish a rank factor or elimin the factor from the algorithm.

? Establish a plu or minu varianc for ani or all factors.

? Establish an overal score and rank accordingly.

? Comput keyword density.

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