Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Epson Stylus SX600FW Printer

Th Epson Wild Banana Boat Stylu SX600FW is a pretti good printer/scanner/copier/fax for under £ 100.It give good result overal and is not expens to run and as such it is definit worth considering.

0,Th Epson Stylu SX600FW is an all-in-on printer that seem to be aim at the small busi and privat sectors. It design seem to ow someth to Canon both in it colour scheme and look. It can be bought for under a £ 100.

copying,Clearli some thought ha gone into the look of the machine. When not in us the Automat Document Feeder ADF on top close to keep the shape nice and smooth. The front of the machin includ an LCD screen and a seri of button for control operations. Further to the right is a number pad and control for switch between scanning. fax and print togeth with a button to start and stop operations.

all of which ar situat at the bottom front left of the machine. There ar socket at the back for USB,Th Epson Stylu SX600FW ha slot for the more popular memori card as well as PictBridg for digit camera and flash drives. cabl network, phone line and a phone handset.

Optical Charact Recognition,A varieti of driver ar includ allow you to all the usual thing as well as fit web-pag to paper width for printing. and the abil to assign applic to variou buttons.

Th Epson Stylu SX600FW will let you carri out a number of function when not connect to a comput such as document copi and print from memori cards. Line and squar paper can also be produc and it is also possibl to add a watermark. It ha to be said that thi is a rather expens wai of creat your own stationary.

Th Epson Stylu SX600FW produc 14 mono page per minut ppm and six ppm colour in test which were significantli slower than the quot speed of 38ppm. These result were more than accept for a sub £ 100 all-in-on printer. A print speed of on minut 20 second for a photo wa a good result.

Th SX600FW gave vari result when printing. Photograph were fine. Colour were good and the imag were well defined. On the other hand black and white text on normal paper wa below par with a lack definit and some jag edges. Colour graphic print were fine for the most part but photocopi were a bit anemic.

T071240 cyan,Th Epson Stylu SX600FW us four ink cartridg which you can get in two capacities. The higher capac on ar the T070140 black. T071340 magenta and T071440 yellow. You can also get compat ink which offer even better valu for money.

it can store as mani as 60 numbers,For fax the SX600FW offer colour and black and white capabl at speed of up to 33.6kbps. will send a page in around three second and it memori will store up to 180 pages.

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